The 1C4Kids Campaign
Because the smallest contribution can make a world of difference to a child in ways that most of us do not imagine, The Global South Foundation, Inc., is launching The 1C campaign. It is our contention that through the benevolence of the People of the United states, each contributing a mere One Cent, we can build a model Regional Center for Children to serve all the lost, missing, exploited and abused children of the East African region.
[Give to the 1C4Kids Campaign]
Where your C(ents) go:
At an exchange rate of US$1 = Kshs. 85, if everyone in the state of Texas gave 1 Cent to Global South Foundation, and with our pledge of 90% of donations going directly to programs, we estimate that we can run an office, complete with phones, computers, faxes and other modern office necessities, in downtown Nairobi, for at least two years, with our staff working every day to find and re-unite lost/missing children with their families. Imagine what 1 Cent can do!
"It takes a village to raise a child" African Proverb